We wanted to publish the beginning portion of an excellent article from MMJ Daily and how fulvic acid helps cannabis specifically.
Fulvic Acid Helps Plants Access Nutrients More Easily, Reduces Stress
It’s always tricky to ask a grower what makes their cannabis unique; it’s the same old story of the secret sauce: I’d let you have it, but don’t ask me what’s inside. Admittedly, it is a kind of fair attitude in an overly competitive context such as the cannabis industry. At the same time, cannabis growers have been increasingly looking at their ‘traditional’ horticulture colleagues and have been quick to pick up methods and ideas and apply them to cannabis. “I have been growing cannabis for a very long time,” says Matt Scheerer with AgTonik. “I have always been interested in biostimulants. That is why after a few years of cannabis growing I decided to join AgTonik, which manufactures fulvic acid products."
Cannabis and Biostimulants Biostimulants improve plant growth on top of a base fertilizer. “This biostimulant helps plants absorb elements into plant cells.” AgTonik owns a mine where they source the material to make their fulvic acid products. “There are millions of years of organic matter broken down slowly there that are just perfect to make a great biostimulant for cannabis.” The organic matter in the mine is very diversified making it a good source of amino and organic acids like gallic acid. “These elements greatly reduce stress in plants,” and this is particularly important when it comes to growing cannabis, especially during the vegetative phase. “When you grow cannabis, you control everything that goes into that plant,” Matt points out. “There are so many environmental inputs to pay attention to, that there’s limited margin for error there. If some parameters are not perfect, the plant might experience stress and not achieve growth potential. Of course, I am talking specifically about the negative stress, the one that you don’t want to have, say, during the germination or generative phase.” So, a way to prevent that from happening is the use of fulvic acid.
To assist with achieving optimal performance, we recommend considering the outstanding results of the above scientific findings. Science has proven again and again that a well-rounded health and growth program can no doubt help reach your desired outputs.
For more information on AgTonik information for aquaponic, aquaculture, cannabis, specialty produce, and more, contact us today.