As a practical solution to global food demand, “aquaculture is necessary for the cultivation of food that is rich in essential nutrients,” states Karen Shah from a recent article published by SeaWestNews. “The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization projects that aquaculture will account for two-thirds of the global food fish consumption by 2030.”
A simple definition of aquaculture is the farming of various types of fish and other aquatic animals. Fish show great promise as a crop that responds well to the benefits of being raised in a controlled environment. Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. In these symbiotic, semi-closed systems, a recirculating water system connects an aquaculture fish tank and a plant growing bed. Instead of adding separate nutrients, fish generate the nutrients.
With aquaculture and aquaponic systems’ popularity increasing, and consumer demands following suit, such systems are poised to be a major food (and economic) player throughout the next several years. And as with any system, maximum efficiency, effectiveness, production and profitability, are all integral components.
To maximize growth and production, fulvic acid is scientifically proven to be an effective supplement for both plants and animals. In a recent study by Boris Delaide titled, ‘The mineral elements available in aquaponics, their impact on lettuce productivity and the potential improvement of their availability’, he noted increasing levels of fulvic acid showed significantly higher growth (39% increase). Also, according to Brunno da Silva Cerozi, fulvic acid increases iron bioavailability in aquaponic systems as he stated in a recent Aquacultural Engineering article. It was also determined in yet another recent study, that supplementing with fulvic acid provided growth improvement and prevention of heavy metal accumulation in Nile tilapia.
Fulvic acid is exactly what aquaculture and aquaponic systems need to achieve optimal results. A fulvic mineral complex can greatly assist production efforts affecting everything from increased growth to greater harvest size, from better feed conversion to increased immune defense.
Consider the outstanding results of fulvic acid from the above scientific findings. Science has proven again and again that a well-rounded health and growth program involving fulvic acid will help reach your desired outputs.
For more on AgTonik’s AGT-50 for aquaculture and aquaponic systems, contact us.